Wednesday, August 7, 2013

PROJECT: Hardware, Paint, and TLC for Front Door


The front door was installed really quickly after the old one went bye-bye. Long story. It's a pre-hung hollow core steel door. The guy who painted it on the exterior did a really awful job. It's bumpy and full of brush marks. I did a quick job on the inside just slapping some paint on and not taking the hardware off, knowing that the door would have to be removed and properly painted at some point. As the brass hardware will be replaced by satin nickel, it'll be a good project to do everything that needs to be done for the entry door in on fell swoop.

  • Remove door and hardware, lightly sand, and paint. The exterior will be a gloss black and the interior will be...well, I don't yet know.
  • Replace weather strip on the bottom of the door.
  • Replace weather stripping on sides and top of door frame.
  • Replace hardware (hinges, entry lockset, peephole, strike plate) with satin nickel hardware.
  • Pop the door back in with its new, updated look (and much improved protection from drafts and bugs!).
  • Use silicone caulking to seal around the exterior of the door frame and interior window and door caulking to seal around the interior.


This is the new lockset for the entry door, which arrived on August 12.


August 12: Most products (except paint) selected, with many purchased and ready to go. Plan to purchase some paint August 16-19 when Sherwin-Williams has a sale for 35% off.

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